Sunday 29 May 2011

Driving down the Rhine

Left our castle on Sunday morning to drive down the East bank of the Rhine. Stopped at Assmannshaussen, a small wine village, which had a Dutch jazz band playing and lots of stalls selling snack type meals and local wine. It just happened to be lunch time on Sunday so I had a German style pizza called Flammenkucken, Rosemary had grilled prawns and we shared a glass of local reisling. The 'pizza' base is much thinner and crisper than Italian/English and smothered in creme fraishe before the toppings are put on. Very tasty.  The oldest guest house in Germany, the Krone, is here too.

Stopped again at Rudesheim which is the southernmost point of the middle Rhine scenic route and a popular cruising terminal and tourist trap. Many nationalities here frequenting the ice cream and coffee shops. It was childrens day in Rudesheim and there were many activites for kids, many of which would have been impossibe in UK with 'elf and safety'.

We carried on as far as Weisbaden to cross the Rhine and drove back up the west side as far as Bingen to a really good Stellpaltz. We probably could have saved ourselves some time by taking a ferry over the river. There are many of these but not so frequent on Sundays.

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