Tuesday 17 May 2011

Mountains in Netherlands?

campsite in the mounains
Arrived in Oirshoot to find that reception was closed at both ACSI sites but we eventually squeezed into one of them for the night. It was very quiet. We havent seen, or spoken, to any English folk for over a week now. Only seen about 6 all holiday, thank goodness the Dutch speak good English.

compulsary applecake
We drove up a hill today. Yes really!  The small appendage in the south of the Netherlands between Belgium and Germany is actually quite hilly. Its known as 'Netherlands Mountain Region' but that is a gross exaggeration. It it is rather pretty, like Derbyshire, so we are staying here for 3 or 4 days. We are on a terraced site midway between Maastricht and Aachen, to visit them, and to chill out before invading (sorry - entering) Germany.

The weather has improved again and we are cooking and eating outside once more.

Walked into Gulpen, the local village to the Osebos site where we are staying. Did a bit shopping and had some tapas Netherlands style. The Dutch are very serious about walking and cycling round here and there are no less than 7 waymarked routes past the site. Managed an 'appeltart and koffee' again.

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