We spent most of the day exploring Appledore. It's a fascinating maze of narrow alleys on either side of the Quay. Every cottage seems be different style or colour with many obviously holiday lets. Even so it had a very friendly village atmosphere
but parking must be a nightmare in season. Rosemary tried to buy a book based on the recent events in Leicester (Lcfc and Richard iii) at the pop-up Waterstones at the book festival but they were sold out. However the author Michael Morporgo, who was at the event, left some signed plates to stick in his books. We left after lunch just as the clouds descended and the light rain set in. We went to Instow on the other side of the estuary to get another (murky) view of Appledore before heading East towards Minehead.

It was another drive in mist and rain through Barnstable and Lynmouth before we stopped at Porlock for the night. That's the place with the notorious 1 in 4 hill that burnt out clutches in the old days.
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