Arrived at the customs late afternoon - what a bizarre change. A completely out of place bit of England at the bottom of Spain! But what an impressive sight - no wonder we do not want to give it up. The rock towers above the surrounding area and dominates the entrance to the Mediterranean. We soon found ourselves in a Safeway supermarket car park, having flashed our British passports at the border, and suddenly we are back in the UK. Everything you would find in Morrisson’s and paid in pounds sterling. I had two blueberry muffins and coffee while Rosemary shopped.
Obviously we would need to spend at least a day here so started to look at campsite books while waiting for a Monach airlines plane to land. The runway goes across the road so all traffic is halted for about 15 mins while planes take off. Noticed the tell tale signs off a few motorhomes at the back of a car park just by the border fence. I found it was a car park that also did 24 hour sleep overs for motorhomes and long distance lorries for €13 so we paid our money and had a perfect position right beside the floodlit rock for our barbeque.
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