We also stumbled into a sort of craft workshop where they were handmaking wooden models of some of the big old houses and things in the area. We bought a little model bathing hut for the bathroom and a typical fishing machine of the region for my wall, all for €12. We had a sit down in the village and a coffee and got back in time to catch a few more rays from the afternoon sun.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Bunker Walk
We also stumbled into a sort of craft workshop where they were handmaking wooden models of some of the big old houses and things in the area. We bought a little model bathing hut for the bathroom and a typical fishing machine of the region for my wall, all for €12. We had a sit down in the village and a coffee and got back in time to catch a few more rays from the afternoon sun.
Monday, 30 May 2016
St Brevin-les-pins
Apart from usual provisions, we bought 3 sea bass cos it was 'buy 2 get 1 free' and some of the local fleur de sel (fancy salt) in a souvenir pouch.
PS no queues at petrol stations today!
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Lots and lots of Rain
Most of the big motorhomes are gone now, we are on our own in one row. Observing the days happenings, the big posh motorhomes seem to be owned by middle aged couples with a poodle (or similar). They use them like weekend retreats. They arrive Saturday afternoon go to the market for oysters etc. have lunch with friends on Sunday and leave about 3:00pm. Probably a middle class status symbol.
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Island Tour of Noirmoutier
Friday, 27 May 2016
A new-moutier experience
Rosemary Titanic pose on the jetty |
We returned in time for Pecheur a Pied, (fishing on foot) a local pastime. I went with my pink bucket at low tide and gathered a couple of inches of winkles to make a starter for our dinner.
It took 10 mins to cook a few dozen of them and 20 mins to winkle them out with a sewing needle, for Rosemary to gratin. They were a tasty starter, sort of Escargo de la Mer, but you would starve waiting for a main course if I were doing them.
The mosquitos have won. We are going to the Aire in town tomorrow afternoon for another (hopefully mosquito free) night on Noirmoutier.
I emailed the Caravan Club to get our ferry rescheduled to 8th June, so we will be home just in time for Queen's jubilee tea.
Beach at Indigo campsite
A typical bit of beach at the waters edge. Plenty of live shellfish here to be gathered. It's called Pecheur a Pied - fishing on foot.
Thursday, 26 May 2016
All washed up and walked out
Its 4: 3 to the mosquitoes at the moment (bites : swats ) but I have got the vaporizer working so we are now winning.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Third Island - Noirmoutier
It's our 48th wedding anniversary and Jeans 40th birthday today. We parked in Noirmoutier itself, using a very convenient Aire, to have a celebratory lunch. Fruits de la Mer, local Merlu and Sardines with the local potatoes which are a French gourmet potato apparently.
We are now on an Indigo campsite right by the beach in a protected wood and the weather is set fine for the next few days. The island and the main town seem very nice, a little less chique than Re perhaps, but more interesting than Oleron. I thought we would be happy here, but I have just been bitten by a mosquito. It's the first of the holiday, but probably not the last.
The strikes in France seem to be ramping up, so not sure when we will return. I think I will reschedule the return ferry by one week in any case. Should be sorted by then or France will be in real mess by the sound of things.
Vigilance mes amis!
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
La Rochelle to hell
We went back into La Rochelle and visited the very modern aquarium. Very interesting, huge tank with sharks was the highlight for me.
We had a coffee and then a platter of charcuterie which all took too long. By the time we had shopped and found the next 5 star site on the Vendee it was after 7:00pm and there was no one at reception. In fact after driving into the site there was no one to be seen anywhere!
Click for some more photos of La Rochelle
So we set off to find another site nearby which was also unmanned and almost deserted.
We finally located a municipal Aire for the night in St Gilles de Croix with 10 assorted French vans and we had a fish sandwich for super.
Not quite where we intended to wake up on our wedding anniversary. C'est la vie.
Monday, 23 May 2016
La Rochelle
By now it's a lovely sunny day as we drove the short distance into La Rochelle where we first came with the children about 35 years ago. We are stopping overnight on an Aire which is part of the Yello Park and Ride car park. There are dozens of vans here and the €12 fee includes unlimited trips into the old port on the frequent navettes (shuttle bus).
We took a bus to the old port and wandered around for a couple of hours. It had nice relaxed atmosphere with lots of pavement cafes around the harbour and the old watch towers. A pleasant place to be, with plenty to see and nice shops in the side streets. We will go again tomorrow morning before we head for a 3 night stop on the Vendee.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
La Flotte
Wavy grass near La Flotte
La Flotte is another of those '100 most beautiful villages in France' . The campsite site is also very nice with one of the '100 most beautiful sanitares in France' - according to Rosemary.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Market Day
Friday, 20 May 2016
Second Island - Re
The fish counter/department is as big as our co-op, with every sea food you could image. A huge tank of lobsters, a podium of spider crabs (live of course) and prawns as big as bananas. Rosemary just bought normal size prawns and some cockles, to go with the leftover sea bass and it turned out very tasty indeed.
We are staying on a beach site called Les Amis de la Plage amongst the pine trees at La Bois Plage-en-Re. The sea is just over the dunes so we can hear it from our pitch again. It was very warm today and may even be hot tomorrow apparently. I went for a paddle and picked up a few shells and pebbles, much to Rosemary's annoyance cos I have too many already she says.
A few of my photos on Google
Thursday, 19 May 2016
St George's walk
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Fresh Fish at La Cotiere
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
First Isle - Oleron
The islands main economy is sea food and in particular Oysters for which the region is famous. There are oyster beds, or claires, all over the flat terrain. We stopped at Port Boyardville where you can take trips to Fort Boyard (TV reality series) but we lunched instead!
First moules and frites of the holiday but probably not the last. We are staying 2 or 3 nights near St George in an ACSI site. The weather is back to normal, generally overcast with sunny spells, afternoon and evening but not very warm yet. I made my version of Tartine de Berger Basque with left over toasted baguette, goats cheese, a pack of jambon and pimento de Padron garnish. It was surprising successful, even impressed the chef de van!
Monday, 16 May 2016
Road to the Isles
Set off north west up the Gironde to find an Aire for the night. First one we found was at Blaye by the huge citadel built by the engineer Vauban to form part of the defenses for Bordeaux. It's a world heritage site, we looked around the grounds and had coffee and crepes in one of the cafes. As it was still early we moved on and found a much smaller one with 3 vans by a small marina. The wind was quite strong and there was nothing else around so we gave it a miss.
Finally stopped at a big Aire, there over 40 big mainly French vans here, at the fishing port/marina at Mortagne sur Gironde. Whenever we stop in an Aire a French person takes a photo of the van. They think it's just a toy until they see inside and always go away impressed.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Rest day at Saint Emilion
We walked around the lake, about a mile, then I decided to try fly fishing for course fish. The lake is only for campers and there was no one else fishing. I was very happy because I caught 2 small roach on a tiny fly.
Its been the best day for weather for about 2 weeks. Spoke to Brits heading back home from Spain. Apparently its been very windy on the Costa's for about a month now. Also spoke to a like minded German who retired early and enjoys his motorhome travels, minimum planning, minimum clothing and cooking local produce. However he has moved pitch at least. 4 times today trying to get his satellite system working! (needs a bigger dish IMHO). We talked about football, he knew about the premier league champions and was dead chuffed to meet people from 'Lestah'.
We are cooking the skirt recommended by the lady in L'Eclerc and I am drinking 'girlie' pink wine.There seems to be a rose version of everything these days! We have some Asian campers next to us BBQing with chopsticks, thats wierd!
Bought a WiFi voucher to try and sort out my photo uploads and get Rosemary Sunday and Monday papers in one go. We are planning to move on tomorrow towards La Rochelle but probably stay at an Aire en route.
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Shuttle Bus and Lunch
St Emilion this Weekend
Thursday, 12 May 2016
A day at the Moulin
We had a day on site at Moulin de Campech, Rosemary did the laundry and I had a day fly fishing. She had a more successful day than me, enough said. Spoke to Mark on the phone, his house purchase is almost complete. A fine day, but not hot.
The biggest motorhome ever arrived on site but they would not allow him over the little bridge. He is parked up outside, on the way back to UK after 9 months in Spain. Sally who works part time on the site had Nuventure Surf.
We are off to Bordeaux wine country tomorrow, let's hope the ducks are OK. Rosemary is looking forward to duck and goats cheese in St Emilion this weekend.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Heading North
Here are a few photos from the day in Lourdes - - click here
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Sanctuary and Grotto
Monday, 9 May 2016
Lourdes and Lindt
We left the Aire, after posting some birthday cards, in the direction of Pau and Lourdes. We almost passed a Lindt factory shop in Oloron, but not quite. Rosemary managed to drag herself away with only €18 of discounted Lindt chocolate and a few free samples. We stopped in Pau for some shopping and arrived in Lourdes in the afternoon. A nice drive from Pau with snowy mountains in the distance and another pilgrimage site en route where we had pic-nic lunch.
We are at Camping La Foret, an ACSI site which has a bus stop for Lourdes at the gate, handy for sanctuary and grotto viewing tomorrow. Clouding over now and a storm forecast tonite, time to cook the chicken. Called Jacky this evening, nothing much has happened in Croft as usual.
Bearnaise Tour
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Ancient Walled Village
I walked down to the river Oleron by the site where there were ten fishermen spinning for salmon. This part of the river is a renowned salmon spot but I did not see any caught in the half hour I was watching. We saw a pecheur packing his car later and he had caught just one, but it was 6 kilos! Apparently the salmon run proper has not reached this high up the river yet. There is a salmon festival here next week. We had prawns (lots of them) and rice and finished the two bottles of wine we started a week ago while listening to the second half of Lcfc match. Andrea Bocelli sang before the game and the championship cup was presented at the end. Amazing days for Leicester. Saw the highlights on MOTD later on my Chromebook.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Navarrenx - midi Pyrenees
It's warm and humid but there is snow on the distant mountains.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Lazy day on site
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
San Sebastion on Star Wars day
A great day out in San Sebastian, which is a lovely place to visit and did a personal record number of steps (20,000). It's been sunny and very warm today and very tiring!
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Walked into town
This look like a farmer practising for ploughing contest by dragging a sledge across the grass. There was a small transporter nearby by with a picture of the animals on the front.
It started grey and is still cool out of the sun. Feel a bit conspicuous in holiday attire when locals have got scarf and gloves!
Monday, 2 May 2016
Orio - Leicester won Premiership title
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Mothering Sunday.
PS I had grilled cows cheeks BTW