The site is excellent and the owner very knowledgeable and helpful. We have real hard standings instead of a patch of gravel in a large puddle (last site at Mountshannon) with a view to the mountains and nearby reservoir. Its Sunday and a rest day except for a 10 minute walk into the village for Sunday lunch. Roundwood is actually the highest village in Ireland, although only 240m asl, so we ate at the second highest pub in Ireland (the highest was just over the road). Daniel Day Lewis has a house here overlooking the reservoir.

There we sat in leather seats, by a wood burning stove, in an award winning gastro-pub - this is more like it! The lunch was substantial, to say the least, but we walked a little bit off by going down to the reservoir on the way back to the site. Rest of the day was spent on Sunday papers (Rosemary) and copying photos to the netbook (me). If it stays dry (the sun is actually shining occasionally then maybe another walk to the village tonight, although it is cool in the the breeze.
I don't think the temperature has been above 16 deg since we came to Ireland. So no barbeques, no breakfast outside and no shorts - but we live in hope! We intend to stay here another couple of nights to go to Wicklow and a trout fishing lake for round three of Man v Fish.