We left mid-morning for the 10 miles drive north to Ludlow and put the van in the festival park and ride.
The market square and surrounding buildings were largely devoted to the show and Rosemary found a couple of early Christmas presents in an associated craft fair.

The main event took place in the Castle ruins, where there was a huge marquee for the smaller stalls, with individual stalls scattered around the castle grounds for bigger exhibitors. As usual there were lots of samples and choice of lunch from the hog roast to paella. We had a plate of meat and apple sauce from hog roast with a rustic roll from one of the bakers stands.

Rosemary bought some really fresh butter, which I had seen being churned on the Victorian farm stall just an hour before, while I found a nice piece of Shropshire Blue cheese. It was a really nice warm day in very pleasant surroundings and we stayed until almost closing time at 4 o'clock before driving down to Hereford.